Thursday, March 11, 2010

Ring, Ring! Who's there?

How is it in movies people always know who is calling?  Even more mysterious without ever discussing a meeting place or time all the characters show up at the correct location, at exactly the right time.  Are people in movies psychic over the phone? Next time you are viewing a movie, pay attention to the inevitable scene on the  phone.  96.4% (actual statistic) of the time it will go a little something like this

*ring, ring*
Person A: Hey what's up?
Person B: Nothing much, what are you up to?
Person A: I was thinking about getting a burrito later on.
Person B: Sounds good, I'll see you there.

Oh yeah... Did I mention no one says goodbye on the phone in movies?!  What is up with that?  


Russel Harder said...

No time! Unless it's a dramatic good-bye.

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