Monday, March 29, 2010

Dorian Gray

It's been many years since I've read the original novel by Oscar Wilde. My memory is fuzzy on some of the details, so I will stick to just reviewing this work of film.

First off, the casting was superb. I want to dislike Colin Firth, I try with all my being, but I just can't do it. He's too good. He plays Henry Wotton, the Lord that takes Dorian under his wing, and shows him the way of the world. Drinking, Opium, Prostitutes, Funny looking masks, all in a days fun for Mr.Wotton. Dorian, the timid protagonist reluctantly joins in. It doesn't take long for him to lose his innocence, and embrace the seedy underworld of London. Mr. Gray falls for the amateur actress Sibyl, and you start to believe, maybe this is the end to his vagrancy. But alas, he tosses her aside in a quick minute, to follow Wotton down the rabbit hole. Oh, yeah, there's a painting in there. Right. Almost forgot. But if I have to mention that "The portrait of Dorian Gray" involves a painting that captures his soul, so he can remain ever young, and unscarred, then you should read the book first.

What did I love? First, the Costumes. How it didn't get a nomination for it's costume design surprises me. Probably because only 4 people saw this film. Second, Colin Firth. God I hate that guy. He's just so good. He's manipulative, sinful, and just all around evil. But Colin makes you love him. Makes you wish you were traipsing around the smoky clubs in tow. And last but not least, Ben Barnes. If you were one of the 14 people who saw The League of extraordinary gentlemen, then you probably saw the character Dorian Gray, and just wished you could see more. Ben Barnes plays a great Dorian. He looks the part, out-broods Mr. Edwards of Twilight fame, but holds onto his innocence long enough, that you truly wish he could redeem himself at the end.

If you've read the book, you may not like this film. There are some liberties taken with the pace and story, but unlike most book to film adoptions, it wasn't painful. Maybe if I read it again, it would anger me with the changes. But, as a film, it was enjoyable. Lets leave it at that.


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