Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Ed Burns is like a talented Woody Allen, but no one sees either of their movies.
Sunday, April 25, 2010

Upcoming Release

Harry Brown has gotten US distribution and will be in theaters for everyone in the states to enjoy on April 30th.  Mark it on your calendars, you won't be sorry.... unless you want to watch a romantic comedy.  In that case you will be very disappointed.


The Losers, which was released this weekend, though based on the graphic novel of the same name is basically a rehash of the A Team.  CIA black ops agents get double crossed by flamboyant bad guy and they go renegade to clear their names.   Not by any means a ground breaking concept and not by any means executed in a ground breaking manner, but I did enjoy it.  It was fun and mindless, and I thought the cast turned in some very likable performances.
  I feel I can't really judge this movie too harshly, because lets be honest we don't go to movies like this to be impressed.  I will say that had I hated the cast, this movie would have been unbearable. Aside from an unnecessarily camp performance by Jason Patric as the bad guy, and an incredibly forced love story between Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Zoe Saldana, the rest of the character interactions are easy going and mostly playful.  I was begrudgingly impressed with Chris Evans who did pull off the comic relief for the film, so who knew he could do more than just be hot?! I think that Idris Elba turns in a note worthy performance for most of the movie... until the very end when his story just kind of fell apart.
So, yes, this movie has its plot holes, and clichéd characters, but is it fun to watch? Yes.  As long as you leave reason and sense at home.
Friday, April 23, 2010


Danny Boyle's best film, forget Slumdog.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Top 5 movies you didn't see last year

So here is my list of the best movies that no one, or mostly no one bothered to see last year.  I will come off as a bit of an Anglophile in it cause it is a bit British heavy, but what can I say, I think they just make better films.  Also, it should be noted that Pirate Radio is not on the list simply because I think we have sung its praises enough on this blog.

5. Fantastic Mr. Fox

 Wes Anderson managed to make an animated movie that was still so true to his style and voice.  I was incredibly impressed by it.  Probably the more popular of the movies listed, but I still think that there are far too many people who have not gotten to enjoy it!

Brief Interviews With Hideous Men

Looks like it might be good, right? Well you would be very, very wrong. I had really high hopes for this film with it being John Krasinski's directing debut, and even adapting the screenplay from David Foster Wallace's book of the same title. Alas, hoping something will be good and it actually being good are two very different things as this movie proves.
The premise, if you can actually put one together for this movie, is that a boring, uppity, plain Jane, smarty pants ( Yeah, I said smarty pants!)gets dumped and interviews the most vile men around or in some cases the strangest men. To prove what you ask? Who the hell knows! She is working on her PHD for psychology, so we can assume it has something to do with that. At its best it plays out like a mediocre student film with one or two interesting scenes most notably with Christopher Meloni reenacting a story of meeting a heartbroken woman at the airport. At its worst, which is most of the movie, its choppy, scattered, but mostly you just don't care what happens next. At the end of it all I could think was, " Why would someone want to tell this story?"
We all know that men can be shitty at times.... people are shitty at times. Its the human condition. So please if you are going to just string together a bunch of scenes with men being shitty have a point to it, a statement, an opinion. Something. I have no idea what this was about, or why I should have even cared. So I am sorry John, but BOO to this, and also I am not completely sure you are not a bit of an ass for thinking this was a worthwhile story. No, I take that back. I am sure you are lovely, but this movie still sucks.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Film Fantasy: The Batman Casting

With Captain America searching for its leading man, I thought we could take some time to divulge in some fantasy casting, Batman style. Below are my top 5 picks for the next batman movie villains.

5. Harley Quinn: Although Joker is dead, this villain is likely never to see the light of the silver screen. Missed opportunity.


Pick of the week: Carriers

If you like end of the world stories, where the tension lies in really nothing happening, you'll love Carriers.


If you plan on watching the remake, you should check out the original.
Monday, April 5, 2010

Top 5 Reasons to see... Pirate Radio

Playing off of Leah's recent pick of the week, I've decided to compile my top 5 reasons to see Pirate Radio, or for you British readers, The Boat That Rocked. Which, really, is a much better title but that's neither here nor there. I will also say that five things are as un-spoiler-ish as possible as I'm looking to design the list to get you to see the film and not to have to not to need to see the film. Right? Okay.

5. Thick Kevin. Is quietly one of the best characters in a movie full of incredible characters.

4. Twatt. Is a gag that will never get old.

3. The smoldering sexual charisma of Nick Frost. Will leave you begging for more.

2. The music. As this is a movie about a boat that double's as a supplier for illegial rock radio music during the 70's, this really shouldn't be a surprise.

1. Never have I ever. In thinking of an idea or concept that best conveys the embarrassment of riches, when it comes to funny funny British actors (and Philip Seymour Hoffman), this is a choice example. Involving pretty much everyone the multiple scenes that involve this drinking game are excellent... and reveal a number of wickedly funny moments. You'll have to watch to see what I mean. But even in talking about this being an excellent example of a funny moment in the movie... the movie itself is non-stop endearing, crude, awesome British humor.