Thursday, June 10, 2010

Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Riddler

The rumor mill has started again on the casting of the next Batman movie. With a array of great villains to cast, it looks like the Riddler is going to be our next villain. Like the Joker, he has a bad rep. Most people remember his portrayal from the campy Batman series of the 60's, or the laughable Jim Carrey. We all know if there's anyone that can give back Edward Nigma's balls, it's Chris Nolan.

Best known for his question mark bowler hats, and 1st grade riddles, Edward Nigma is far more than a laugh. A detective in his own right, with an intelligence that rivaled even Batmans, he recently switched sides to help the caped crusader solve some of the murders plaguing Gotham.

With the news that Joseph Gordon-Levitt is on this short list to play the Riddler, lets take a look at why he would be a great choice.

Brick   One of the best films of 2005, Brick, a noir set in high school revolving around, what else, a murder. If you've never seen it, i suggest renting it this weekend. I must warn you, it's not for the average viewer. The language is thick in 50's crime book lingo, and sometimes leaves you saying, "What did that whole conversation mean?". But I promise you, it's well worth the watch.

The Lookout  The trailer may show your typical memory loss/bank robbery story. But I promise you, the performances from the whole cast makes this a must see Joseph Gordon Levitt film.

In a time when it seems we have no good young actors to replace the last generation, Mr. Levitt separates himself from the herd, and establishes his force on the silver screen. It's not just that he is perfect for the Riddler, he's in a class all his own. He's an actor that makes you feel good knowing that the best actors aren't behind us, they're standing right there on the screen, we just need to look harder.


Russel Harder said...

Did someone say harder?

I totally support this choice, he would be an excellently, fun character to play into for Levitt, who would no doubt knock it out of the park.

And it's great to see that he's already working with Nolan, in Inception.

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