Thursday, March 28, 2013


Thought this was a very beautiful, thoughtful story.  Sean Penn by no great surprise is just fantastic.


Anonymous said...

Why is he not in Haiti? Is it a first-world country, now? Oh nevermind, he was just a phony to begin with. When are you moving to a black neighborhood? You're never going to out anti-racist (i.e. anti-white) the Hollywood Jews. So give up the act, already.

Anonymous said...

I still can't believe you would spread those raunchy pale legs of yours for a little know-nothing, childish fag like J. Schmidt. But, I guess life ain't fair, huh? It ain't a bowl of cherries. Thankfully, I didn't really lose anything of any value. Chink whores are not rare. I may have your sister or you mother come over today and ride my cock. Of course, I have some car repairs and household repairs that need to be done today, first. You or J.S. wouldn't be able to help. Maybe get in the way. Since I've been doing my own taxes (and about 100 other people every year) beginning in 2002, I can go back that far. We should compare charity contributions sometime. I'm sure it would be rich. Of course, I have an advantage in that regard as well. Since, it makes no difference to me rather the CEO supports a couple of perverts fucking one another in the digestive tract, and catching an exotic disease afterward. So, that's probably why my donations would be higher than the zero, or very close to zero that you two phonies have donated. Have a good day. I can't wait for your next blockbuster to come out. I love you, kiddo.

Anonymous said...

I've learned two important things. One: life sucks, and once you realize that life sucks it becomes easier to deal with. It doesn't matter if every other thing on the t.v. is a ho-ho and a hee-hee, and they make it look like everyone is having a wonderful time, and I'm the only one having a miserable time, or I'm the only one who is feeling lonely, or whatever. This whole country was built by people that fooled others into giving them money, by making them think they were going to have a fun time. Tit-bars are among the worst about it, take my word for it. There are no disappointment refunds. (well actually, I think I could get either a full-refund or replacement on my toothpaste--a lot of good it does, anyway.) Wake up everyday with my mouth and much of the rest of my body hurting. Maybe taking all those right-crosses to the head wasn't such a good idea after-all. So, for your average ugly guy like me, with a personality that no one understands or wants to understand, life is not a pleasant experience. Maybe your life is great, but I think you would be the exception, not the rule. I hate to sound like a pessimist. How awful would that be? Two: it doesn't really matter how nervous I was, or how I acted the last time that we met-up, because the whole damn thing was just some sort of sick/cruel trick to begin with. Now that's it. That's number two. This is not number three, but I just have one more quick thing. I don't normally act like that, and even my brother asked me what my problem was later. I will explain. I grew up in embarrassing poverty. Had friends come over, and ask why we didn't have air conditioning or hot water. We never knew how the lunatics that God stuck us with were going to act from day to day. If they would be in a bad mood or a really bad mood. So, believe it or not, I looked at you as my one chance to know what true happiness felt like. I know that's real selfish of me. And, if it didn't work out, I knew that the rest of my life was probably going to be just about like the beginning in terms of suckiness. So, sure I was nervous. Thanks for being so understanding. Now, I'm going to shave the repulsive hair off of my neck and really show off my blackheads and enlarged pores. Everyone loves it, they can't get enough. Sincere best wishes.

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